Well, today was a bit of a weather curve ball! Since I arrived, the weather in Iowa has been really nice. It's a bit cool in the morning, but bright and sunny. Yesterday's high was around 80 degrees with a nice breeze all day. Unfortunately for the Pro-Am participants this morning I woke up to a stormy, significantly cooler day! It stayed cool and rainy all day, but there was a small break in the weather where I did manage to get in a couple of hours of rain free practice.
The tournament begins tomorrow, and I'm ready to go! I tee off #1 at 9:30, and it's supposed to be a clear day with a high of 93 so I will feel right at home in that kind of "Alabama" weather! If you get a chance to say a quick prayer and send some good vibes my way I'd really appreciate it!
You can follow the tournament's live scoring online if you just click the LPGA Futures Tour link above. Once on the page, you'll see a "real time scoring" tab in the upper right hand corner. Click there and you can follow us hole by hole!
Thanks again for your support, and have a great night!
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